that when a dog is down you kick it!!!! it is a strange saying but sadly some people live by that saying......
Why do people have to be so hurtful and nasty in what they do in life..... are they so sad in their own lives that they have to make everyone else's around them sad also.... or do they just get a kick out of hurting other people.....
why anyone would get a kick out seeing the pain they cause to others is beyond me..
Why do people have to keep dredging up things that happen in the past, does it give them some joy to see what pain they can cause to others..... do they think at all about what repercussions it has on other people around them, even those that may not seem to be involved but are thru friendships with others...... do they think of what hurt it may cause to others who are innocent bystanders..... i think not.
it is a shame in this day and age with the advancement of technology that some people take advantage of that and use it to detriment...... it is so easy to hide behind a keyboard and attack others they do not know or even to offend them... would they do that if they were face to face with those people........
sadly there are people like this in the world. People who think it is okay to forward on a nasty email instead of using the delete button..... people who think it is okay to be nasty to others, people who continually think it is okay to put other people down for their opinions...
why add to the heartache that is around today by sending on something that is deliberately written to hurt sendng it on you are as guilty as the original writer of the nastiness and hurt it can cause....
i have had to deal with a lot of heartache and pain in my years but the one thing that still stands out to me is something my grandmother helped me to see.
When i was a little girl and staying with my grandmother she took me to see the disney movie Bambi...... and i can still remember to this day what Thumper's mum said to him.....
'If you have nothing nice to say, you don't say anything at all..'
It made a deep impression on me.......the hurt and pain an innocent thoughtless remark can have on someone.......
this is something i have tried to teach my kids and i have tried to live by myself.....especially since getting thru my teen years....
oh i am the first to admit I was not the nicest person thru my teen years but i did have a sister who had a lot to do with that.....i was not treated the best and retaliated...... something i am not proud of now........but that is in the past.....where it belongs.....
It is so much easier and nicer to always say something nice, it makes your life and that of those around you so much better. Heaven knows it is a hard enough life without adding hatred and nastiness to it........
I have had my fair amount of heartache over the years but one thing it has all taught me is that family and friends are more important than anything material in the world. and sometimes it is more important to have good friends around you than family.......especially when you have a family who are so far apart in thought and ideals......
do people think of what pain the words they speak or write can have on others.....
do people realise that sometimes people walk every day on the edge??
just one bad comment, one snide remark, one stirring comment can be enough to push those people over that edge..
i know i wouldn't like to think that a comment i made was responsible for pushing someone over that edge, being responsible for the one last thing that pushed that someone just that bit too far....
Many Thanks Eileen.
2 days ago
Thinking of you my friend.
I have nominated you for a Name Tag Game - please visit my blog "sewprimfriends" to have some fun. Hugs, Khris
Julianne, consider yourself hugged by me today.
Julianne, please don't get down about all the garbage that goes on around you. Just keep doing what you do best, being a good friend to those that matter, and stuff the rest LOL
Thanks girls, means a lot to me knowing you care.
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