Saturday, July 14, 2007

sticky fingers

this is the adorable Nikayla..... my youngest. she is now just over 16 months and full of cheek as the pic shows

sticky fingers
Originally uploaded by ginger & coffee dreams

she is very helpful when it comes to helping me out with my sewing..........NOT.... she quite enjoys pulling out all my fabric and helping unpack all my bits and bobs....

Thursday night i sat down with the older kids to make a polar fleece blanket and she came and popped herself in the middle of the fabric so we couldn't do anything...... after much kicking and screaming she finally did move and went and had a lie down...

when she awoke she found the fabric had turned into a nice pooh bear blanket for her to cuddle up with..........hehehe will pop up a pic when the lighting is better for a photo

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