Saturday, June 13, 2009

Look who came to visit..

Kaylee came to visit us and stay for Easter. She has grown so much and is a real character. She is so full on that she wore me out but we had fun.

We only lost her twice while she was here.... lol we found her upstairs happily playing with all the toys. This pic shows her with her easter bunny. She loved it that much all she wanted to do was cuddle it.. we had an egg hunt which all the kids had fun with, we just had to be really quick as Kaylee had a tendency to chomp into the eggs paper and all...

One of the funniest sights for the stay was when her mum and dad left and drove out the driveway, this little character, who refused to say goodbye to them, trotted off down the driveway after them. No tears, she wasn't upset, she was just following them.. all we could do was sit and laugh before we realised she was not going to stop... pity I didn't have the video camera at the time, as it looked so funny her chasing the car. Mind you we have a rather long driveway so she was in no harm....... I did ring her mum and reassure her that all was okay with Kaylee and that she wasn't upset and that she was having a ball playing with all her aunties and uncles.. and gran and her pa......

see we wore her

I have also been making things...

After falling in a hole the week after the kids deb, I finally got my butt in gear and have made a couple of beanies for the boys.. they asked me for new ones so what's a mum to

I have finished off 3 so far and have another on the needles that I was hoping to have finished by tomorrow but that is not going to happen as I have 2 pairs of dress pants I have to hem tonight for DS2 who is leaving for Melbourne tomorrow...
This is Josh modelling his beanie.. he looks a bit rough as he had just got home from work... it is made from wool and alpaca using the 2 x 2 ribbed beanie pattern, it is nice and soft and warm. He likes it... bonus..
I have also finished Brady's but haven't got a photo yet, he grabbed it as soon as I finished it and I haven't seen it since apart from on the top of his the 3rd one I made ended up being a tad small for the boys so it has been put away until a suitable recipient is found..

My mother's day pressie..

This is what got delivered to my house last Ds himself.. DS has made me this table and has also got 2 more smaller tables coming.. He has been making it at trade school during the year.. I have been really spoilt by DS when it comes to furniture. this is about the 8th piece of furniture he has made for me.. and the second coffee table. The other one he made is a squat table with storage underneath, it measures approx. 1m x 1m.. I think I am running out of room for his creations but don't tell him that... lol He is in the process of making me a wall unit/display shelf... for in our hallway.. then I think our house will be full.

While on the subject of Ds making me stuff, this is the arch way that he made for me back in March/April of this year. Isn't he a clever cookie.. I have passionfruits growing on either side of it, so hopefully they will bear us some yummy fruits..
Also he has renovated his bedroom. He removed all the 20 year old wallpaper we installed and plastered all the walls. Together we painted his room and now he has a nice new bedroom.. no pictures as yet.. I will have to make a mental note to take

I am good at being slack...

I cannot believe how long it has been since I last wrote here.. it is just mind boggling how quickly time is passing.. but I do have a reasonable excuse apart from all the work with the kids and the farm.. I have been busily getting 2 kids organised for their 'Debuts'... DD and DS both made their debuts together this year.. and boy am I glad that is over and done with now.. talk about hectic.. hair trials, dresses, suits, dance lessons.. well you get the idea... Peer pressure tried it's best to lure us into doing things dd wanted but I stood my ground.. lol no $300 hair extensions, no expensive dress or jewellery... I was a meanie...hehe DD did get hair extensions, they cost all of $5. It pays to know your hairdresser. They blended in beautifully with her real hair, you couldn't tell which was her hair and what wasn't.
She wanted a particular style of dress and we spent months looking for just the right dress with no luck..... so we bought a plain sweet heart neckline dress off the rack and I stupidly said I would adjust it to make it like she wanted..... never again. I finished the dress at 3pm on the afternoon of the presentation..... after many late, late nights spent sewing on beading.. but she got what she wanted and was pleased which was the main thing.

I can honestly say boys are much easier when it comes to debs.. DS only needed to be measured up for his suit, he wouldn't even let me get his hair cut.... but I must say they both looked stunning for the deb. This is DS and his partner. I am constantly amazed to see how much the kids have matured and grown up. It only seems like yesterday we were spending hours in doctors waiting rooms and surgeries with this little man as sick as, bucket under his chin and stripped down to only his nappy... I am so glad those days are behind us..

And this is Miss DD. See all those ruches...... they took a looooong time, there are tiny beads all flowing outwards from each ruche all the way around the skirt. The skirt consists of 10 layers although you can't tell in this pic..

This picture shows better the fullness of the skirt, although the lighting in the stadium was not good for taking photos. See all those black drapes in the background... there were meant to 32 drapes all up but time got the better... we did manage to finish and hang 24... not bad...... another never again I am making note

This pic shows the detail in the back of the skirt. For some unknown reason I didn't get a photo of Lauren and her partner together apart from when they were dancing... but we are still to get the professional photos so they should be good.
so I have been busy just not neglecting everyone....

Thursday, April 9, 2009

New job for DS..yaye

We have been holding our breaths and hoping that something good would turn up for our son after he was laid off from his apprenticeship well over a month ago.... but as it seems to be a sign of things to come around here we were not hopeful.
He has been working very hard here at home and on the farm since he returned home and has even said he enjoyed the farm work.... He has built me an archway I had been asking for since before christmas, DH really isn't the handy type around the but now I have a nice new archway for my passionfruits to grow on.. and they have already been planted and are hopefully going to bear us lots of fruit in the coming years...I will take a photo tomorrow in daylight if I remember... plus now he is painting the house.. we finished our renovations 7 years ago and DH still hadn't finished painting the new they just needed the top coats... but Josh is starting at the older part of the house and working his way around and redoing the whole it looks so much better already......
Anyway a friend of ours heard Josh had returned home after being laid off from work and put the wheels in motion for him to pick up some casual work labouring with a local builder.. fantastic.. well the best was to come... Josh started working on the Wednesday and by the following Monday the builder had signed up Josh to finish off his apprenticeship. This builder is also a qualified joiner so Josh can finish his apprenticeship with him. I wasn't game to believe or even dream this was true until all the paperwork was done and signed.... but it is now and fingers and every other limb I can cross is crossed that this will be long term and get him thru his apprenticeship.. at long last someone up above is looking out for us...... yaye..

As promised

Couldn't help myself taking this pic today.... this is one of our 'wild' cats.. he is full grown and this is how I found him... sleeping in one of my pots... How he squished his whole body in is beyond me but he seems content except when I snuck closer to get a better pic when he looked at me and seemed to say 'do you mind? I am sleeping here' lol...

I did promise last post that this one would be positive and here it is...

School holidays are upon us and the kids are enjoying some time at home.... so I popped out today in the gorgeous autumn day we are having here and took some photos.. although the grass and ground is still dry you can just see the tinge of green creeping back into the land from the last few days of drizzle that we have had.... yes I said drizzle as that is all we have had but it is better than nothing.. lol... not much in the tanks still but we are hoping...

I have done the 'good mum' thing and had friends over to stay for a couple of nights and now we are looking forward to a nice quiet easter break......... or so we we are babysitting GD and DDs new puppy... for 5 days...... might just see if the other grandmother wants to look after her for a couple of days also... hehehe they live just around the corner from us..... don't get me wrong we love having Kaylee here but she is flat out and doesn't stop unless she is sleeping.. which is getting less and less now she is growing up... and this way I also get to have a bit of a break... and we have a male dog now and Brooke's pup is a female and I am sure they would just 'love' each other to death..... if you get what I mean.. will have to work out a way of keeping them away from each other for 5 days......

This little fellow you can see in the distance in this pic is Snickers... a little miniature pony my eldest daughter brought home a few months back..... she did have another horse here, a race horse, but last weekend she came out and picked him up and took him closer to where she lives now... Snickers was a little lost for a couple of days but now seems to have settle well without his mate... and he has also made new friends and has become a nice little pet for our other children and also our dog...

And last photo for the day is one of our dds resting.. lol she does a lot of that now she is a teenager.... vbg
Happy Easter to everyone and I hope it is a good one and relaxing for all involved. Take care on the roads those travelling..

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Another month gone and no rain in sight

Would you believe with all the weather the rest of Victoria is getting today that we have not got any and have not had any since I last posted here........ we are really getting desperate here for water, the ground is so dry, our tanks are almost dry, the grasses and surrounds are all so dry... somebody send us some good solid rain..........Please.............. there has been another deliberately lit fire in our region this last week, this time it has burnt out over 6000 hectares and was brought under control earlier today...... we are in April and usually our fire restrictions are coming off around now but it is so dry.... they are saying at least another month or until we get some good solid rains......

Haven't really been doing much sewing of late, even though I have a stack of orders to fill and heaps of digitizing also... I just can't seem to get myself motivated when I am home long enough to do anything....... hopefully the school holidays will give me some inspiration to get my bum into gear again......
Has been a bit of an up and down year for me so far...... I just seem to get my head around things and get myself organised with all the kids and their different activities when someone goes and throws a spanner in the I think that is why I have thrown myself into knitting a bit more than usual and have withdrawn from people.. it's my respite from what is actually happening in the real world...
Don't get me wrong, I am still as active as ever with the kids and their sporting and school commitments. I just choose to sit in the car and wait and knit... if I can..

I have always believed that before you can criticise anyone for what they have or haven't done you have to walk a mile in their shoes to understand more of what their lives actually entail........... I know that I shouldn't let people get to me like this but when it comes from family it cuts deeper..... some people are so quick to judge....... you know you haven't done this or you haven't done that type of thing... well excuse me but we have tried.... I can't perform the impossible... and I think we have the right to put my kids and their needs first....sorry if this is not suitable to anyone but stiff....
Today is dds birthday and not one acknowledgement from extended family until late tonight, this is something my kids and I have become accustomed to over the years yet we are constantly told off if we forget others' days... but still we get no thanks for pressies given... sometimes I don't even know if the gifts arrive safely at their destinations...this is something I have learnt to just accept, but the thing that got to me so much tonight was a simple text message.... I had just completed organising a little surprise for someone who has never judged me or not that I am aware of... it gave me a nice feeling of stepping forward... then out of the blue a text from ? who last time I saw (early Feb) never even acknowledged my presence and made me feel very unwelcome by speaking straight thru say I was hurt would be an understatement.. but then I get a message tonight to let us know they are now living elsewhere..... just in case noone told us...well dd actually got the message not me!! it was like now we are here you can come visit us......
yeah well no one has told us........ no one has spoken to me since early Feb... oh they tell my kids to tell me things I supposedly have to do or things I haven't done but they think I should have but not one of them has actually spoken to me....... it is as if we don't exist anymore......... the forgotten family..... they aren't interested in talking to us but they think it is okay to be involved in our lives when they please yet still treat us as though we don't exist....

I am not even sure if any of them even read my blog but this is my way of getting this off my chest so to speak... I know it will still eat away at me and every new comment or remark will cut a bit deeper but after all these years of feeling like the black sheep of the family and never being good enough for them, you would think I would be used to it........ nope it still hurts....... I am sick of trying to be nice to everyone and trying not to offend anyone with anything I say or do.... it is time for others to stop judging me/us for not doing as they think we should be doing....... it is time for them to realise that if we were made to feel welcome we might actually join in with family occasions, it is time for them to realise we have a life, a busy one at that and we have every right to lead this life any way we choose..... the same as they all have the right to lead their own lives their ways without fear of anyone judging them........ don't be snide and bitch away behind our backs, just say what is eating at you... I guess what I am trying to say is enough is enough, if we aren't good enough to be a part of your lives so be it...... you can't keep just jumping in whenever you please and then ignoring us whenever... we are humans with feelings...and kids aren't dumb they know a lot more than what you give them credit for and they also have feelings.......

Okay I am off now.. next post I promise will be on a much more positive note....

Friday, March 6, 2009

2 in one day.... & 112

Two posts in one day...... wow I am doing
Just needed to pop in and say it is amazing how one's day turns out....

Today while I was driving into town to help cut out the blocks for the quilt we are making for the bushfire survivors, on a road I have travelled many, many times over the years and have always known the bad spots and bumps in the road.... today for some reason I was going a lot slower than normal.... not sure why but I was....
I only had Nikayla in the back thankfully but not in her normal car seat (which is definitely going back in the car tomorrow when it dries before I go anywhere else).......
Within a split second as I was meeting a couple of cars on a bend the back car all of a sudden spun around a few times and started travelling backwards across the road toward me...... it seemed to happen in slow motion and seemed so unreal but real at the same time...... the car continued to come backwards towards me....... not sure whether it was my slower speed or just good luck but the car missed me by just millimetres if that and slammed into the bracken and trees on the side of the road..........
I just sat there for I don't know how long....stunned.... unsure on what had just happened and what I was going to find.. I was shaking like a leaf..... I told Nikayla to stay put, put my hazards on, as we were on the bend and cars seem to fly around the corner and with the long weekend and the folk festival this weekend there is extra traffic on the road, then I went to see if the person in the car was okay..
she was thankfully getting out as I approached and surprisingly was quite calm and level headed..... I on the other hand was shaking so much I had dropped my mobile and the back and battery had fallen out......duh.. I had always thought myself to be quite calm and capable of handling a situation but today I found out differently... the lady was in her mid 60s approximately and didnt get flustered at all.... she calmly told me she had no mobile service so couldn't ring anyone and as she had travelled from the top of the state to almost the bottom she was alone..... stupid me stumbled around looking for our local police phone number..... ended up ringing hubby to come and this lady on the other hand had the ability to remember a number she had been told earlier for an emergency if you have no mobile service.... it was 112....... and it worked..... I had never heard of this before... you just dial 112 and you are put through to emergency......000 I think ... whilst she was doing this quiet a number of cars sped past us.... we were not a metre off the roadside and only 1 or 2 slowed down or stopped........unbelievable......
hey we are out in the country here and we help out each other when in trouble but today the traffic was not local...... so the few that did stop briefly didn't even ask if we were okay but just drove off...... after I checked the lady was okay and not hurt I moved my car to the other side of the road which just happens to be our local fire shed so it was safe and then went back and checked on the lady..... we both looked at where she had come from and how lucky she had been.... she missed by mere millimetres 2 road signs and a power pole and me....... the skid marks all tell the she managed to thread her way between without hitting anything is unreal and all going backwards... she did manage to take out the small telstra phone cable thingy though which only left a small dent in her front bumper...... the only damage the car sustained apart from the accumulation of a lot of bracken underneath her car and a few scratches.....couldn't believe it.... the bracken she hit first must have softened her impact and probably saved her.. my DH and another local friend came to the rescue and managed to pull her out whilst I slowed oncoming traffic and warned them as DH had to pull the car out across the road..... needless to say our local police never turned up but police from the next town turned up after we had pulled her car out and they just made sure we were all okay, took statements and questioned her and as it was purely an accident let us go on our way....
I do hope that this lady is okay tonight and not suffering any after effects.. I hope she enjoys her weekend at the folkie festival and doesn't dwell on what happened today..
I know she was just starting to consider all the what ifs just before the police arrived... as she said it just happened so quickly for was in no way her fault........ all she did was get out in the gravel on the side of the road slightly on the bend and that was all it took for her car to spin around... she wasn't speeding, she just hit the gravel verge at a bad point in the bend and that was can be a tricky bend but as I have been travelling it forever I guess I know the road and its faults and maybe take it for granted but not anymore..........

I have learnt two things today...
firstly is that it only takes a split second and things can change dramatically.. it could have so easily been much worse today but wasn't.............
and secondly and one that I will remember and I really think should be public knowledge and should be advertised or even pre keyed into mobile phones and that is the number 112 for in an emergency when you have no mobile service........ this knowledge could possibly help save someone else's life in the future.. who knows.......

Hug the ones you love and tell them so...
take care.

where is time going..

I can't believe another 2 months have gone by again....... time is really flying past us lately and the first term of the school year is almost over.....

We have been rather busy with the start of the school year and all the other sporting interests of our children and farm life in general so haven't really been too near a sewing machine for a little while......

I have however managed to make a couple of glass cases/playstation case they have a spring based opening on them so nothing falls out.. along with a little carry handle.

Both my younger girls were recipients of one each for their psps and an extra one for the one who wears glasses for her own glasses..hehe and also one was gifted to my mum for a belated birthday gift..

I have also made 3 of these bags which have been sent off to a quilter in the Victorian bushfire area along with some knitted items which are all going to those who have lost so much already. The bags will be used as stash bags and filled with fabric and accessories for other quilters who have lost their stashes. All the knitted items have been handed out to help those in need now. I am lucky enough to have contacts on the ground so to speak who can get items of need to those in need rather quickly. I just pray that those of us in Victoria are now over the fire season, especially after the horrendous day we experienced last Tuesday.

The winds we got here were equivalent to a cyclone 1 strength and cut us off from our local town with trees downed on the roads which could not be cleared until the winds abated as it was too dangerous, trees were continually falling all over the area, the dust storms cut visibility to almost zero and was very eerie.. luckily for us all fires that started in the area were very quickly and aggressively attacked by the local firies... one good thing to come out of Tuesday is we all have enough firewood for the winter ahead.. and we got RAIN... yay..... being in rural Vic we rely on tank water for our survival and have not had rain of any sort since December..... the rain started off Tuesday night with a bit of drizzle but by Wednesday we had real rain...... such a fantastic sound to hear the rain on our roof again......and running into our empty tanks..... lets all hope we don't get too much more of the hot, windy days and fires we have seen since February..... even though we have had rain the land is still very dry and it still would not take much for a fire to take hold again...... we still have probably 7 weeks before we can relax.......

Our other lot of news is DS1 moved out of home mid January, much against his mum's advise lol with the economic downturn....... but he had to go out and experience life..... he was advised 2 weeks ago that he and another apprentice at his work were being laid off....... that seems to be the story everywhere around here at the moment.. so after a fortnight of speaking with different people about different strategies, as he is still completing his apprenticeship, he has decided to move esp as he now can't afford to rent and pay off a loan on no income.... we think at this stage he will be allowed to finish the schooling part of his apprenticeship by attending 'school' once a week and have his workplace side of his apprenticeship put on hold until things pick up... he is going to work for us here on the farm and we are all just hoping that some how we all survive financially..... we have put up for sale a couple of vehicles and also sold off our heifers and now it is just a wait and see what happens with the markets, it is out of our hands but we will get there......

I have been spending a lot of my nights knitting and have a bit of a stash of completed items which I will take pics of later and update on my other blog for those interested. I have joined an online group call Knit4charities which is a really great and inspiring group who does an amazing job of helping out charities here in Australia with in kind donations of goods. I have gained a few new contacts for charity goods to be donated to. It is such a good feeling to know that you are helping out those in real need and that the items are actually getting to the people who really need them.

I am off this afternoon to help cut out blocks for a QS quilt my local craft group are making for a raffle with all proceeds going to the bushfire victims here in Victoria.. as we only meet on a monthly basis now the majority of the work will be done at our homes and pieced together when we meet... so I can see that will be keeping me busy

Take care all and I hope it won't be soo long before I update again..hehe no promises though

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My Reversible Bag and other bits..

I had a lovely day on Monday sewing. You guessed it, I made another

I thoroughly enjoyed it and I am now in the mood for more sewing and 'me' time.

This is from the Grand Revival range and is a reversible bag. I did mess up the process and spent some time unpicking but then just decided to do it my way and I was happy with the way it turned out... lol I did use it today and sits really well on your shoulder and is very comfortable to carry..

Some other things I have been making are a xmas stocking, a thread tidy which I am yet to finish off..

also had fun today shopping... lol we went and visited a new (to us) P & Q shop..... it was heaven and had a great array of fabrics and patterns that are completely different to the other shops in the area..... I didn't really buy a lot, a few patterns and some fabric.... the girls each picked out some fabric that they liked and I will make it up into some glasses cases for them..

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!

Can you believe another year has already passed us by... it doesn't seem like 12 months have gone by already....

I hope everyone had an enjoyable christmas and wish all a very happy and prosperous New Year ahead full of good health and happiness.

I am hoping to get more time to spend in my sewing room this year and have big plans to enable this to happen...
These cute little flowers are a sample of some of the sewing I have been doing they are 2 different ways of doing a type of suffolk flower.... these are now attached to a pocket on a bag I have made for my dd for her xmas pressie.........

It was really sad to see when she came home to stay for a while that she kept and transported all her cross stitch supplies in a plastic nappy bag...... so I got the idea of making her a bag for her cross stitching. I will post a pic once I have given it to her so as not to ruin the surprise... lol as you can see she hasn't received it just yet as I still have to finish of the handles.....

I haven't forgotten either that I need to post a photo of the last bag I made.. it is on my camera and I will download it to the pc asap... I know I can be slack at times, also very busy and hectic with but I am going to make an extra effort this year to update my blog on a more regular basis with lots more pics... lets see how I do....

hugs to all